Monday 5 December 2016

And it continues

I can already tell that I'm going to have problems writing a post on here every day but I'll sure as hell try. The past few days have been a living hell of emotions, fights, fears, doubts, and the like. I still haven't been to the OBGYN yet, but according to my calculations I would be around 6 weeks pregnant today. Which is not very pregnant at all...though it is.

I don't know how I'm going to do this. I am literally freaking out while trying to remain as calm as possible because I know how stress can affect early pregnancy. So my brain is going all over the place but I'm trying to keep my heart rate down. It's basically impossible, but I'm trying. Honestly, this all seems quite impossible to me right now. I feel stupid and immature and just plain dumb. I really am doubting my ability to not only have this baby but actually be a decent mother to it.

I've cried. A lot. I always thought I'd feel differently when I got pregnant, but I also assumed I would be in a much better place in life when I started this adventure. Instead of being in a good place in life I can't drive, I rent a room in my dad's basement (helllllooo loser!), I have a shitty ass fast food job (shift manager my ass, its all shitty), and I've only been with the father of the baby "officially" since October. I really am a mess of a person right now and I'm about to bring another person into this? Is that selfish of me? Probably. Why am I telling you all this? Mainly because I don't care anymore, but also because I doubt anyone will ever read this.

Life has kicked my ass this week. I'm exhausted constantly, and though I've gone shopping so I will always have healthy foods to eat, I have been eating crap the past day and a half. I blame the tears. When I'm sad I want sugar and dammit I have been consistently sad. My bf and I have been having a rough patch right now. Not terribly but enough to affect us both, but I mean...who wouldn't be?! This is definitely a test of our relationship right here. I'm hoping it works out because I really do love him, I just don't know how the stress is going to affect our dynamic. In stressful/difficult times I'm usually a runner (not like physically running...I hate exercise) but I don't know if I'd ever be able to do any of this on my own.

I'm feeling ok though. I'm peeing a little more and I went through a week where I wanted to eat everything in the house. I haven't had morning sickness yet (knock on wood) and the cramps have finally started to subside. They were terrible for awhile. Right now I just feel normal, except for the emotions but honestly I have bipolar disorder so that's kind of normal too. Having no physical symptoms is just as stressful to me as having them (thank you again crippling anxiety). It makes me think something is wrong, even if nothing feels wrong. Ugh, that sounds so stupid but my brain thinks what my brain wants to think.

I'm going to sign off of here because I have a crap ton to do today before work- laundry, cleaning up the kitchen, shower, e-mailing a potential landlord about an apartment, finding the energy to actually walk to know the usual. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading. If you did indeed read any of this.

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